Saudi Professional Verification Program/Skill Verification In KSA: A Complete Guide

Saudi Professional Verification Program/Skill Verification In KSA: A Complete Guide


In the changing world of jobs in Saudi Arabia, there’s something really cool happening – it’s called the Saudi Professional Verification Program. Created by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, it’s not just a bunch of rules; it’s like a superhero that’s making sure people who want to work here have really good skills.

Today, we’re going on an exciting adventure to learn all about this amazing workers specialized program – where it came from, how it works step by step, and why it’s making a big difference for both bosses and workers. Come along as we explore the Saudi Professional Verification Program, where high standards and awesome careers come together!

What is Saudi Professional Verification Program in KSA?

This program asks people who are working in Saudi Arabia or planning to work there to do some written and practical tests. If they do well in these tests, they get a certificate that says they are verified professionals. This certificate helps them either keep their current job or apply for a new job in Saudi Arabia by getting a special work visa.

Skill Verification Program Saudi Arabia

Initiated in 2021, the Professional Verification Program in Saudi Arabia represents a strategic move by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development to elevate workforce skills, aligning them with international benchmarks. It involves phased examinations for over 1,000 professions, targeting entities of different sizes. The program is expanding to assess skills for foreign nationals in specific technical professions. Its focus on positive user experience and collaboration reflects Saudi Arabia’s commitment to a skilled and qualified workforce.

Professional Verification Program KSA Phases and Implementation

The HRSD has meticulously structured the program into five phases, each targeting entities of varying sizes:.

1. First Phase

Initial Stage (Commenced on July 1, 2021): Corporations boasting a workforce of 3,000 or more.

2. Second Phase

Intermediate Stage (Launched on September 1, 2021): Focused on enterprises with a staff strength ranging from 500 to 2,999.

3. Third Phase

Midway Stage (Implemented on October 1, 2021): Tailored for companies maintaining a workforce of 50 to 499.

4. Fourth Phase

Penultimate Stage (Rollout on November 3, 2021): Geared towards establishments with a modest team size, between 6 to 49 employees.

5. Fifth Phase:

Final Stage (Effective from January 2, 2022): Specifically designed for establishments with fewer than 6 workers.

These are the Professional Verification Program (PVP) KSA Phases and Implementation. Let’s explain each Phase in detail.

First Phase of Saudi Professional Verification Program

Commencing on July 1, 2021, the initial stage of the Saudi Professional Verification Program focuses on corporations employing 3,000 or more individuals.

It focuses on ensuring the skills and qualifications of the workforce, involving both theoretical and practical examinations. Recent research highlights a specific concentration on over 1,000 foreign nationals already working in Saudi Arabia across 23 sectors.

Companies in this Initial phase register through the program’s website, implementing a systematic approach for effective skill assessment. The phased rollout prioritizes large entities for a controlled and organized verification process, aligning with the program’s overarching goal of regulating the Saudi labor market and ensuring international standards.

Second Phase of Saudi Professional Verification Program

The second phase of the Saudi Professional Verification Program, launched on September 01, 2021, is tailored for medium-sized companies with a workforce ranging from 500 to 2,999 employees. This phase specifically focuses on Pakistani nationals applying for technical-based professions in Saudi Arabia. Notably, it mandates that these individuals undergo a skill evaluation in their home country before becoming eligible to obtain a Saudi entry visa.

This targeted approach aligns with the broader goal of the program to regulate the Saudi labor market by ensuring international standards and the requisite skills for workplace success.

Third Phase of Skill Verification Program Saudi Arabia

In a noteworthy development, the Professional Verification Scheme is expanding further. The third phase of the program, set to roll out shortly, will focus on Indian nationals applying for specific technical-based professions in Saudi Arabia. This expansion aims to ensure that individuals possess the requisite skills, contributing to a more qualified and competent workforce.

Impact and Considerations of 3rd Phase

As with any significant program expansion, there are potential impacts and considerations:

  1. A potentially smaller candidate pool for employers, given the additional requirements.
  2. Anticipated lengthier processing times due to the added step of skills evaluation.
  3. Increased costs for both employers and foreign nationals.

For Indian nationals applying for technical-based professions, the process will involve theoretical and practical tests. These tests, conducted in accredited assessment centers in New Delhi and Mumbai, will assess skills in professions such as plumbing, electrical work, welding, refrigeration/air conditioning, and automobile maintenance.

The collaboration between Saudi Arabia’s HRSD and India’s National Skill Development Corporation underscores the global nature of the Saudi Professional Verification Program.

Fourth Phase of Saudi Professional Verification Program

The fourth phase of the Saudi Professional Verification Program, launched on November 3, 2021, targets establishments with 6 to 49 workers. In this phase, smaller entities actively participate in professional verification, undergoing tailored assessments. The program ensures adaptability for a user-friendly experience, contributing to skill enhancement and international standards alignment. Smaller establishments need strategic planning for resource efficiency.

User guidance emphasizes staying informed, thorough preparation, and compliance for a smooth verification process. Overall, this phase plays a vital role in enhancing professional competency in the Saudi workforce, aligning with broader program objectives.

Benefits of Saudi Professional Verification Program

The Saudi Professional Verification Program offers several benefits from both the Saudi government’s perspective and foreign workers. Let’s delve into these advantages:

Skill Verification Program Benefits for the Saudi Government:

1. Regulation of Labor Market

The program serves as a regulatory mechanism, ensuring that the Saudi labor market aligns with international standards.

It helps in maintaining a skilled and qualified workforce, contributing to the overall growth and competitiveness of the Saudi economy.

2. Quality Control

By assessing the skills and qualifications of foreign workers, the government ensures a higher quality of professionals in various sectors.

This focus on quality control enhances the standard of services provided across industries.

3. International Collaboration

Collaboration with entities such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation demonstrates Saudi Arabia’s commitment to international standards.

Such collaborations foster a positive image globally, attracting skilled workers and international investments.

4. Incremental Improvements

The phased implementation of the program allows for incremental improvements, making it easier for companies and workers to adapt to the verification requirements gradually.

Skill Verification Program Benefits for Foreign Workers:

1. Validation of Skills

The program provides foreign workers with an opportunity to validate their skills and qualifications, making them more marketable in the Saudi job market.

Successful verification enhances their professional credibility.

2. Clear Guidelines

Foreign workers receive clear guidelines on the verification process, including theoretical and practical assessments.

This transparency aids in better preparation and understanding of the requirements.

3. Access to Opportunities

Verified foreign workers gain access to employment opportunities in Saudi Arabia, contributing to career growth and development.

The program ensures that workers are matched with positions that align with their verified skills.

4. Enhanced Employer Trust

Employers are more likely to trust and hire foreign workers who have undergone professional verification.

This trust leads to better job security and prospects for foreign workers in Saudi Arabia.

Professional Verification Program Examination Process and Eligibility Check

One of the standout features of the program is the examination process, a crucial step in verifying the skills of professionals. Expat workers can easily check their eligibility for the exam through the program’s official website,

  1. Navigate to the following link:
  2. Input your Iqama Number
  3. Then proceed by clicking on the “Check” button.

The website will provide clear indications of whether an individual is required to take the test, has yet to be scheduled for it, or has successfully passed the Saudi Skill verification test.

The Professional Verification Test Structure

Understanding the structure of the verification test is essential for those navigating the Saudi Professional Verification Program. The test comprises two sections:

  1. Computer-Based Theoretical Test:
    • Duration: 30 minutes
    • Format: 15 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
  2. Practical Test:
    • Administered in a laboratory according to the profession
    • Ensures hands-on evaluation of skills

Skill Verification Program KSA Targeted Professions and Collaborations

The program has a broad reach, encompassing over 1,099 professions associated with various bodies:

  1. Professions linked to accounting, officially recognized by SOCPA.
  2. Engineers and technical experts affiliated with the Saudi Council of Engineers.
  3. Medical practitioners and healthcare personnel, duly registered with SCFHS.

This cooperative strategy engages both the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation, emphasizing a dedication to international benchmarks and the enhancement of the Saudi labor market’s quality.

Conditions for Professional Verification Program Test

Understanding the conditions attached to the mandatory test is crucial for those navigating the verification program:

  1. Tests must be conducted by approved centers for the program.
  2. Iqama professionals required to take the test will receive updates on the website.
  3. A minimum passing score of 50% is required.
  4. Expat workers have a maximum of three attempts to pass the test; failure three times may result in a final exit issuance.
  5. The test comprises a computer-based theoretical test and a practical test, each with its own set of conditions.

Final Thoughts:

In the grand picture of Saudi Arabia’s job scene, the Saudi Professional Verification Program is the finishing touch that represents progress and excellence. As we wrap up this guide, it’s clear the program is not just about meeting global standards but also about creating a future where skills are refined, qualifications are acknowledged, and opportunities abound.

For employers, it opens the door to a more skilled workforce; for professionals, it’s the key to unlocking career advancement. This journey is about more than verification; it’s about shaping a future where excellence is the norm and success has no limits. As the program continues, it leaves a lasting mark on Saudi Arabia’s professional landscape, promising a future of skilled brilliance and boundless possibilities.