Recruiting Ideas Outside the Box

20 Recruiting Ideas Outside the Box | Unlocking Creative Recruiting Strategies


Traditional recruiting strategies may not always produce the expected results in today’s challenging job market. As the difficulty grows and job seekers’ importance shifts, companies continuously aim for out-of-the-box recruiting strategies and ideas to attract top talent. Identifying the need for creative HR strategies; organizations explore creative ways to hire the best candidates for their teams. This article will discuss 20 recruiting ideas outside the box companies can explore to improve their talent acquisition efforts.

1. Create a Custom Snapchat, Instagram, or TikTok filter

One creative way to recruit new employees is by using custom filters on social media platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok. These filters can showcase what your company does and attract potential candidates.

For instance, BMW Group used Instagram filters to highlight different jobs at their company. Prospective candidates could virtually try on work clothes and see what it’s like to work there, boosting interest in joining BMW.

Similarly, America’s Navy and the German Ministry of Defense used Snapchat filters to show people in military gear, helping young people imagine themselves in the military. This fun and engaging approach grabbed attention and showed what a career in the military could be like.

2. Use Video Creatively

Using videos can really help when hiring new employees. Many companies now share videos on their websites and social media to show what it’s like to work there, feature employee stories, and talk about their values. Here are some great ideas for using videos to attract new hires:

  • Sending personal video messages to people you’re interested in hiring through LinkedIn.
  • Making videos that show what a typical day is like for employees, especially on platforms like TikTok.
  • Putting recruitment videos on your company’s YouTube channel and using YouTube ads to reach more people.
  • Having employees talk about their experiences working at the company in videos.

Also, when you send emails or text messages to potential candidates, adding videos can make more individuals respond. Studies show that using videos in emails can make more people click on them by 65% and open them by 19%. Using videos, companies can show what they’re all about and attract great people to join their teams.

3. Using Billboards to Find New Hires

Billboard recruiting might sound unusual, but it’s a recruiting idea outside the box in today’s tough job market. Rather than posting job ads online, companies rent billboard space to catch job seekers’ attention as they move or walk by. This way, more candidates learn about the job openings. Billboard recruiting works even better when companies use ads targeting certain areas or groups. But the big signs you see along roads are digital billboards in busy cities and ads on buses, trains, and cars. These ads move around, so they reach lots of different people.

4. Attracting More Applicants to Your Company

Creating a positive impression at a new job can attract more people to apply. Employees’ willingness to learn makes the company seem demanding to others. Moreover, when new team members contribute positively and adapt well to the work environment, they can spread the word about the company to others interested in joining. Therefore, when everyone performs effectively in their new roles, it enhances the company’s reputation and makes it more attractive to potential hires.

5. Using Podcast Guest Appearances

Podcasting is a popular and creative way for recruiters to reach a wider audience and showcase their company. By appearing as guests on industry-related podcasts, recruiters can engage new groups of potential candidates and discuss job opportunities in a more interesting way. This strategy helps attract more job seekers and increases brand awareness, making it an effective tool for finding talented team members.

A. Identify Relevant Podcasts

Find popular podcasts that relate to your industry, company culture, or the skills you need in job candidates. Look for shows that your target audience listens to and discusses topics relevant to your hiring needs.

B. Reach Out to Podcast Hosts

Write to the hosts or producers after finding podcasts you like. Tell them why you’d be a good guest and how you can help their listeners. Talk about any things you know about hiring individuals, work environments, or what’s new in different industries.

C. Prepare Engaging Content

Before the podcast, prepare engaging content that appeals to listeners. Discuss your company’s hiring process, share job-seeking tips, or talk about industry trends. Align your content with the audience’s interests, and subtly promote your company.

D. Promote Your Appearance

After publishing your podcast, share it on your company’s social media and email newsletters. Ask your coworkers to share it too. You can also put it on your company’s website or include it in emails to potential hires.

E. Engage with Listeners

After you’re on a podcast, watch the comments and messages from listeners. Answering their questions or comments can help you connect with them and show that your company cares about talking to individuals in the community.

6. Find Unique Places for Offline Ads

Finding special places to put up ads that are not on the internet is really important for finding people to hire. Online sites are good for finding potential candidates, but not everyone is always online. Here are some outside-the-box ways that ads that are not online can help with hiring:

A. Asking People You Know

Asking your friends and people you work with if they know anyone who would be good to hire is a smart idea. This way, you can find good candidates through people you already know.

B. Going to Job Fairs

Going to job fairs lets you meet people looking for jobs in person. Talking face-to-face with someone can help you get to know them better and decide whether they fit the job well.

C. Going to Networking Events & Conferences

Going to events where people in your industry gather is another way to find new people to hire. You can meet people who are passionate about their work and might not be looking for jobs online.

D. Putting Up Ads in Real Places

Putting ads on TV, radio, and newspapers can help you reach people who aren’t online. Also, advertising in local places where many people go, like community centers and shops, can help you find people in your area.

E. Using Bulletin Boards in the Community

Posting job ads on bulletin boards in busy places like schools and train stations can help you find job seekers. This ensures many people see your ads, reaching those who might not be looking online.

For example, Volkswagen placed job ads inside damaged cars sent to repair shops across Germany. Mechanics found the ads while fixing the cars, leading to many job applications. This creative approach shows how unique methods can attract qualified candidates.

7. Deliberate on Implementing Regular Walk-in Recruitment Gatherings

Walk-in interviews are great for both companies and job seekers. They help companies find the right people faster and save money on ads. Job seekers like them because they don’t have to book appointments. Plus, companies can see how candidates act in person and sometimes hire them right away if they’re a good fit.

Quick feedback helps companies improve job searches. Meeting employers in person can land you a job right away. Walk-in interviews save time and benefit both companies and job seekers.

Deloitte Corporation in NYC has a fun way to hire. They have coffee chats and after-work mixers where you can meet managers casually. It’s like networking for jobs. Not just interviews, but making connections and talking about careers.

8. Use Radio Ads

Employers can use radio ads to reach lots of potential job seekers. Many people listen to the radio weekly, so it’s an out-of-the-box recruiting strategy to connect with qualified candidates. Whether driving, working, or hanging out at home, radio ads can grab Job seekers’ attention and tell them about job opportunities. Plus, there are other platforms like Spotify and Pandora where ads can reach even more interested people. So, radio ads are a smart way to inform job seekers about available jobs.

9. Engaging with Social Media Comments

The comments section of social media platforms can be a treasure for recruiters seeking active and engaged candidates. By actively participating in dialogues and reaching out to potential candidates, recruiters can build connections and source talent more organically.

10. Utilize the Power of Influencers

Recruiters need to get creative in finding the right people for jobs nowadays. Influencer marketing can be a big help. It’s like getting a popular friend to tell everyone about a job. When recruiters partner with influencers who have a lot of followers online, they can reach more people and build trust. This makes their job postings stand out and keeps them updated on what’s effective. Using influencer marketing in recruitment can really make a difference, bringing in top talent for their team.

For example, imagine you run a company that helps travel nurses find jobs. You could work with a popular travel nurse on TikTok to tell their followers about your job openings.

Using influencers to find new employees isn’t just a cool idea; it really works. About 80% of people trust what influencers say when they make choices. Using influencers to hire could help companies find awesome new team members and make a big impact.

11. Text with potential candidates:

Texting candidates is a smart move for recruiters. With texting software, recruiters can quickly chat with many people, like screening candidates or scheduling interviews. People respond fast to texts, so it’s a great way to stay connected. Recruiters can still make each message feel personal, even when talking to lots of candidates. Some platforms even let recruiters customize messages easily, making candidates feel special. Texting is convenient for candidates too, as they can chat without calls or emails, especially helpful if they’re at work. Studies show candidates who get texts from recruiters feel better about the job search process, proving texting is a valuable tool for recruiters.

12. Implementing Career Page Chatbots

A recruiting chatbot is like a helpful robot that makes applying for jobs easier. It talks to candidates, gathers application information, and even answers questions. When choosing a chatbot, consider your company’s needs and goals. Look for one that treats everyone fairly, talks friendly works well on phones, matches your company style, and integrates with your application system. You can customize it to reflect your company’s look and voice. With the right chatbot, hiring becomes faster, more people finish applications, and candidates are happier.

13. Exploring Niche Job Boards

Niche job boards, focusing on specific industries or job types, are gaining importance in hiring. These sites help recruiters find the perfect match for their openings, even among those not actively job hunting. As recruiters recognize their value, they’re using them more, expanding options for companies and opportunities for job seekers.

These job boards let recruiters connect with candidates and show off their company culture. Case studies in healthcare and technology prove that niche job boards work. So, if recruiters want to succeed in finding the right people for their jobs, they need to start using niche job boards as part of their hiring strategy.

14. Hosting Hiring Events

A successful recruitment event needs careful planning to ensure everything runs smoothly. Whether it’s in person or online, the goal is to bring recruiters and candidates together to find good employees and showcase the company as a great place to work. Clear communication, effective advertising, and attention to detail are key. Recruiters should use the event not only to fill current job openings but also to identify potential future hires and build connections in the talent pool.

15. Reviving Old-fashioned Tactics with a Modern Twist

While digital recruiting solutions are valuable, there’s still merit in traditional tactics with a modern twist. From attending job fairs to utilizing direct mail campaigns, recruiters can use these time-tested methods alongside innovative technologies to attract candidates.

16. Craft an Innovative Job Title to Capture Candidates’ Interest

Have you ever noticed how some job titles and descriptions seem more exciting than others? Let’s find out why job titles and descriptions are so important! Job titles work like magnets, attracting people’s interest in a job. An engaging title, such as “Social Media Sorcerer,” can make a job sound exciting!

But wait, there’s more to it than just the title. The job description is like the heart of the job listing. It gives you all the details about the job – what you’ll do and what skills you need. A good job description makes you go, “Wow, this job sounds fantastic!”

Crafting job titles and descriptions is like telling an exciting story. It’s all about using the right words to capture people’s attention. A good job title can make you interested and excited about the job.

Imagine seeing a job ad for a “Digital Innovation Architect” or a “Customer Experience Wizard” – wouldn’t that make you want to know more?

17. Using Stealthy Job Ads

Stealth hiring, also called secret hiring, lets companies hire quietly. It uses trusted sources to find great workers fast, handles challenges smoothly, and protects the company’s money while it grows. This method keeps things private, acts fast, and gets top-notch employees, helping companies stay ahead while keeping info safe.

For example, Apple quietly advertised a job for an engineer to lead an important project. They hid the job notice in a secret place on their computer system, making it hard to find unless you knew where to look.

Amazon uses sneaky tactics to hire the best people for its different departments like online shopping, cloud services, and entertainment. They run special recruitment drives to find people with certain skills or backgrounds. Amazon also spends a lot on making itself look good as an employer, so more people want to work there.

Tesla, led by CEO Elon Musk, is known for its innovative approach to electric vehicles, renewable energy, and talent acquisition. Tesla often recruits skilled individuals in fields like automotive engineering, battery tech, and AI by reaching out directly. They look for people who love their mission and thrive in their fast-paced, entrepreneurial environment.

They might include a banner saying “Congratulations,” colours the new employee likes, or hints about their favourite hobbies.

18. Encouraging Former Employees to Return

Bringing back former employees is a smart move for companies hiring new people. They fit in fast because they know the company and its people. They also bring fresh skills from other jobs, improving the company. Since they already know the ropes, they need less training. Plus, their experience helps the company grow. Rehiring old staff makes hiring new ones easier, saving time and money.

Bringing back talented workers who did well before has many extras, like filling job openings faster and making the training process smoother. These old employees know a lot about how things work in the company and have proved they can do well.

LinkedIn: LinkedIn practices returning hiring by rehiring former employees who have acquired valuable experience and skills. Former employees understand the benefits of returning former employees who already understand the company culture and can hit the ground running in their new roles.

Microsoft: Microsoft values its former employees through the ‘Microsoft Alumni Network.’ This program keeps them connected and offers chances to come back to the company. It’s all about bringing back great talent and fostering a strong community spirit among both current and past employees.

19. Gamify Your Employee Referral Program

Using your employees’ connections is a great way to find good people for jobs through personal recommendations. When employees suggest candidates, it helps the company find new talent quickly and expands the pool of potential hires.

But even though it’s a good method, not many employees are involved in suggesting people for jobs. 

20. Embrace the Strategic Approach

Finding the right person for a job can take a while, sometimes more than 33 days in certain fields. To speed things up, it’s good to have a plan.

Normally, hiring happens fast once a candidate is picked. But staying in touch with other potential hires, even after hiring someone, is smart. It builds a pool of good candidates and makes filling future roles faster.

To keep candidates engaged, stay connected and inform them about new job openings. Send a monthly newsletter with interview tips, industry job updates, and success stories from other candidates.

Final Thoughts: Recruiting Ideas Outside the Box

In conclusion, by adopting these out-of-the-box recruiting strategies, organizations can differentiate themselves in a competitive hiring market and connect with top talent. From using emerging media channels to reviving old-fashioned tactics, there are countless opportunities for recruiters to think outside the box and open new routes for talent acquisition.