AGTSI, Best Manpower Recruitment Agency for Poland in Pakistan

Best Manpower Recruitment Agency for Poland in Pakistan

Najlepsza Agencja Rekrutacji Manpower dla Polski w Pakistanie

AGT Services International (AGTSI) is a leading manpower recruitment agency in Pakistan. We have a long history of providing skilled and experienced Pakistani manpower globally.  AGTSI is now focusing on becoming the best manpower recruitment agency for Poland in Pakistan.  

We understand the requirements of Polish employers quite well and can help you find the right candidates for all your hiring needs.  Click here to read more about us.

Dear Recruitment Expert;

Why are We the Best Manpower Recruitment Agency for Poland in Pakistan?

Here’s why we believe that AGT Services International is the best manpower recruitment agency for Poland in Pakistan.

Because We Have Extensive Experience and an In Depth Understanding of International Hiring Requirements:

Our deep understanding of international hiring demands and our experience in manpower recruitment allows us to identify and recruit the best talent for your organization in a very efficient and effective manner. We know how to best serve international employers, what they expect from their workers and the type of workers that are usually most successful overseas. 

We have the network and infrastructure needed to find qualified candidates who meet these requirements without wasting the client’s resources.

According to our research, the following industrial sectors in Poland are showing the highest demands for overseas workers;

  • Tourism
  • Mining
  • Transport & Logistics
  • Textile
  • Chemical
  • Machinery and Machine Tools
  • Iron and Steel Sectors
  • Fertilizer
  • Petrochemicals
  • Electrical Machinery
  • Electronics
  • Automobile Manufacture
  • Shipbuilding
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Agriculture

Additionally, the following types of manpower are in high demand in Poland in general:

Unskilled Semi Skilled Skilled Professionals
  • Cleaners
  • Janitors
  • Groundskeepers
  • Security guards
  • Delivery workers
  • Waiters
  • Waitresses
  • Busboys
  • Dishwashers
  • Drivers
  • Tourism workers
  • Factory workers
  • Warehouse workers
  • Retail workers
  • Office workers
  • Service workers
  • Construction workers
  • Manufacturing workers
  • Healthcare workers
  • Logistics workers
  • Agricultural workers
  • Welders
  • Machinists
  • Carpenters
  • Electricians
  • Customer service workers
  • Food service workers
  • Engineers
  • Doctors
  • IT professionals
  • Marketing professionals

AGTSI has prepared a large database of potential candidates suitable for the above mentioned industrial sectors and manpower types for Poland.  This database of suitable candidates provides a large talent pool that our clients can easily choose from.  This also allows AGTSI to fulfil client demands very quickly.

Because Our Comprehensive Suite of Services Makes Manpower Recruitment Very Easy, Fast and Very Reliable:

Our comprehensive suite of services covers almost every aspect of manpower recruitment and makes the whole process very easy, fast and reliable for our clients. Our comprehensive suite of services includes:

  • Job posting and candidate sourcing
  • Screening and interviewing
  • Reference checking and validation
  • Trade testing (Indoor & Outdoor)
  • Salary/Contract negotiation
  • Onboarding support
  • Handling all local government and visa documentation
  • Customized training
  • Complete travel arrangements

AGT Services International is committed to providing you with the best possible manpower recruitment service. Click here to read more about our services.

Because We Have The Best Team of Internationally Experienced Industry Experts Working For You:

We have a team of internationally experienced industry and trade experts who are capable of screening and trade testing candidates to select only the best and most suitable talent for our clients’ needs. All you have to do is give us your requirements, and we will do the rest. 

In Summation:

It should be quite clear from the points mentioned above that AGTSI is the best manpower recruitment agency for Poland in Pakistan.  No other company can provide you with the quality of service we can.  If you are looking for top tier talent for your company, no matter the industry or the skill level required, get in touch with us at AGTSI. We would be more than pleased to present you with a proposal based on your needs and requirements.

Why Pakistani Workers are the Best Choice for Polish Employers?

Pakistan has a highly skilled and experienced workforce that is eager to work in Poland. Pakistani workers are known for their strong work ethic, dedication, and adaptability. Pakistan also offers international employers access to a very large pool of talent.

Excellent Work Performance of Pakistani Workers in Poland:

The estimated 100,000 Pakistani workers currently in Poland have a proven track record of excellence, dedication, and commitment. Pakistani workers are considered to be some of the best workers in the world, not just in Poland.

Overcoming the Language Barrier:

Many institutes in Pakistan are now offering Polish language courses to help Pakistani workers improve their communication and coordination with their Polish employers thanks to encouragement from the Government of Pakistan as well as the high intelligence and capacity of Pakistani workers to learn. Our institute, AGT Institute of Technical and Vocation Education also offers this course.

Pakistanis Love Poland For Its Beauty, Culture and the Opportunities It Offers:

Poland is the 16th most visited country in the world.  It is a beautiful country with a rich history, a colorful culture, stunning natural scenery, many historical sites and monuments to visit.  Moreover, people get to enjoy adventure activities like climbing, hiking, trekking and skiing etc.  This makes it a very appealing destination for Pakistanis.  Furthermore, Pakistani workers know that Poland offers cheap and excellent living standards, great salaries, excellent healthcare, free education etc. 

What this essentially means is that Pakistanis are very eager to work and live in Poland, and once there they will give their employers their best efforts in hopes of staying in Poland long term.  The cheap cost of living coupled with good salaries and wages means that these workers can easily send enough money home to support their families with ease.  All these factors make Poland a very desirable place for Pakistani workers.

Pakistani Workers Make a Highly Skilled and Experienced Workforce:

Pakistanis are known to be very skilled people.  Thousands of years of handicrafts, construction, arts and crafts, metal working, textile, agriculture etc. coupled with innumerous modern-day industries has helped produce generation upon generation of highly skilled and experienced workers.  Furthermore, with more than 70 years of experience working abroad, Pakistanis have unparalleled experience, skill, and the necessary mindset to succeed at any kind of work far from home.

Pakistanis are Hardworking and Dedicated Employees:

Pakistanis are willing to work long hours and put in the extra effort to get the job done.  They are known to be hardworking, dedicated and loyal.  This is because, firstly, working hard is a cultural value they’ve been taught from a very young age and also because they need stable, well-paying jobs to help provide for their families back home, which again is a cultural norm in Pakistan. Pakistanis highly value long-term employment arrangements and are very loyal to their employers.

Pakistani Workers Quickly Adapt:

Pakistani workers are also known for their ability to adapt to any and all working and living conditions.  They very quickly adapt to new cultures and learn to peacefully co-exist with other ethnicities. Moreover, Pakistan has all kinds of weather ranging from dry arid deserts to frozen mountain ranges, this give Pakistani workers the ability to work in any kind of weather with ease, making them some of the toughest workers in the world.

Pakistani Workers Cost Less:

The labor costs for Pakistani workers are quite low as compared to workers from other countries. The main reasons for this are the lack of employment opportunities in Pakistan and the cheap living costs. Overseas Pakistani workers are willing to work for quite reasonable wages since they can easily afford to get their families and loved ones all the necessities of life with very little money and are content in doing so.

Large Pool of Talent to Choose From:

Pakistan has a large population, made up of people who have worked in all kinds of industries within Pakistan as well as abroad.  Furthermore, it is custom for Pakistani children from rural areas to begin learning technical trades at very young ages, making them mentally and physically adept at many trades and skills very early on.  This means that there is a large pool of talent in Pakistan to choose from. This makes it easier for businesses to find just the right candidates for their needs.

In Summation:

As a result of these factors, Pakistani workers are a perfect fit for employment in Poland. They can be some of the most valuable employees who contribute immensely to the growth of Polish businesses. Countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain are testament to the hard work and efforts put in by Pakistani labor over the years to make these countries some of the most advanced and prosperous countries in the world. 

If you are looking for skilled and motivated workers, then Pakistani workers are a great option. Contact us for more details.

Dear Employment Seeker;

Why is Poland the Best Country to Work In for Pakistani Workers?

If you are a Pakistani worker looking for overseas employment, then look no further because Poland offers you all that you could dream of. Poland is one of the most popular destinations for foreign workers, and Pakistanis are no exception. There are many reasons why Pakistanis are drawn to Poland such as:

Excellent Salary Packages, Benefits, and Health Facilities:

Poland offers its workers great salaries and benefits. The cost of living is very low as compared to the rest of Europe.  They also have some of the best healthcare facilities along with free education. This means that Pakistani workers can earn a good living, live comfortably and still provide for their families back home.

Excellent Worker Rights:

Poland has some of the best labor laws and worker rights in the world. This means that workers in Poland are protected from discrimination, have access to fair wages and benefits, and are guaranteed a safe and healthy work environment.

Positive Feedback From Pakistani Workers in Poland:

Pakistanis working in Poland always provide positive feedback about working there. They praise the country’s work environment, culture, salaries, benefits, living standards and job security. This means that you too will have a great experience working in Poland.

Excellent Tourism and Sightseeing Opportunities:

Poland is the 16th most visited country in the world thanks to its rich history, a colorful culture, stunning natural scenery, many historical sites and monuments to visit.  Moreover, people get to enjoy adventure activities like climbing, hiking, trekking and skiing etc.  Furthermore, Poland offers cheap and excellent living standards, great salaries, excellent healthcare, free education, making it an ideal country to live and work in.

In Summation:

Overall, there are many reasons why you would want to work in Poland. The country offers excellent worker rights, experience higher living standards, great salaries and benefits and health facilities, making all your dreams come true.  If you are a Pakistani worker looking for a new opportunity, Poland is definitely worth considering.

Why Are We the Best Manpower Recruitment Agency for Poland in Pakistan for JOB SEEKERS?

AGT Services International is the best manpower recruitment agency in Pakistan for people who want to work in Poland. We offer job seekers the following benefits;

We are Your Gateway To Great Salaries, Benefits and Job Security in Poland:

Thanks to our extensive links in major Polish industries, we can easily align the best jobs for you in Poland.  These are jobs that offer great salaries, benefits, and job security.  Furthermore, we make sure that our client delivers everything that has been promised in the employment contract.  

Complete Transparency:

We are committed to complete transparency with our clients, whether job seekers or employers. This means that we will always be honest with you about the salaries and benefits being offered as well as the requirements for each job.

Clear Briefing:

We will provide you with a clear briefing about the job you are applying for. This briefing will include information about the following and anything else that might be related to the employer’s expectations from you and yours from the employer.


  • Salary and benefits
  • Overtime
  • Food and accommodation facilities
  • Transport facilities
  • Air tickets
  • Job contract and its requirements
  • Job description
  • Leaves
  • Probationary period 

In Summation:

Leaving your home to work in foreign lands is a huge undertaking and carries great risks.  Thanks to our extensive overseas employment experience, we fully understand and appreciate these risks.  Rest assured that we are the best manpower recruitment agency for Poland in Pakistan and work in a purely professional manner.  We will ensure that you are aware of each and every fact related to your employment in Poland and that you get all that has been promised to you.  So if you are a Pakistani looking for overseas employment then please get in touch with us and our team of professionals will help you realize all your dreams of working and living abroad.  

Industries We Serve